Thursday, October 6, 2011

Desert Christmas Cholla Cactus


Flower color: yellow/green
Essence type: Individual

Flower Essence Description

This cholla cactus helps us communicate our limits with humor and ease, especially if we get caught up in other people's needs or expectations. It is wonderful support when we have too many demands upon us and feel overextended.

Harmonizing Qualities

  • able to react with humor and lightness to differences;
  • approaching life with loving relaxed attention;
  • caring through separateness;
  • experiencing that others are truly cared for when you care for yourself;
  • feeling and accepting abundance;
  • self-acceptance;
  • softening through caring when you have been hardened by pressures or great stress;

Patterns of Imbalance

  • experiencing enmeshment with others;
  • experiencing expectation, obligation, and/or preoccupation with details that keeps you from a caring, open-hearted contact with others;
  • fear that someone or something will make things difficult for you;
  • feeling controlled by other's expectations and needs;
  • feeling like you are doing battle with life and people;
  • inability to separate yourself from another;

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