Thursday, October 6, 2011

Desert Flower Essences-Succulents

(I will put cactus flowers in their own post.)

Aloe Flower Essence


Flower color: shrimp pink
Essence type: Individual

Flower Essence Description

Aloe cultivates patience and surrender to the healing process, especially during a healing crisis. It is excellent if you feel resistance to allowing things to surface, helping you feel supported from within.

Harmonizing Qualities

  • allowing old memories or hurts to surface and be felt without judging yourself or the situation; helps you to view the experience as a perfect part of the greater picture of the healing of the total being;
  • cultivates patience and surrender to the healing process;
  • getting in touch with the underlying joy of an apparent healing crisis;
  • the key quality is feeling supported from within ourselves;

Patterns of Imbalance

  • impatience with the healing process;
  • perceiving a healing crisis as unfair or ugly;
  • resistance to allowing anything you have "stuffed" or repressed to come up;

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